Wednesday 31 May 2017

Military Kids

I've been in the Army Guard for 13 years now, learned alot, dealt with more than my fair share of B/S. I also have 2 kids of my own, and from time to time, they too, deal with some of the same stuff. So Last summer, the neighbor kids knocked on my door and asked if my kids could come play outside, I said sure, why not, but what are you guys gonna be doing? "We want to play army, bring the guns" Inner asshole comes out, I said ok, I had the kids go get their nerf guns, and we headed outside. Little did they know I had something else planned for them. We get outside, and immediately, I asked them all if they really wanted to play army, they said yes of course, So I made them form up in a line, spread out across the yard, and I said, Alright, this is called "Police Call".............That was the last time they ever asked to play army :) via /r/funny

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